Creation of Deploy Daemon

The Deploy Daemon (DaemonConfig) is used to orchestrate the deployment of ExApps.


Currently only docker-install and manual-install deployment methods are supported.

The recommended daemon configuration is using AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy.


You can choose one of the basic configuration templates and adjust to your needs.


We highly recommend to use UI to create Deploy Daemons.


There are a few commands to manage Deploy Daemons:

  1. Register occ app_api:daemon:register

  2. Unregister occ app_api:daemon:unregister

  3. List registered daemons occ app_api:daemon:list


Register Deploy Daemon (DaemonConfig).

Command: app_api:daemon:register [--net NET] [--haproxy_password HAPROXY_PASSWORD] [--compute_device COMPUTE_DEVICE] [--set-default] [--] <name> <display-name> <accepts-deploy-id> <protocol> <host> <nextcloud_url>


  • name - unique name of the daemon (e.g. docker_local_sock)

  • display-name - name of the daemon (e.g. My Local Docker, will be displayed in the UI)

  • accepts-deploy-id - type of deployment (docker-install or manual-install)

  • host - path to docker-socket or the Docker Socket Proxy: address:port

  • protocol - protocol used to communicate with the Daemon/ExApps (http or https)

  • nextcloud_url - Nextcloud URL, Daemon config required option (e.g. https://nextcloud.local)


  • --net [network-name] - [required] network name to bind docker container to (default: host)

  • --haproxy_password HAPROXY_PASSWORD - [optional] password for AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy

  • --compute_device GPU - [optional] GPU device to expose to the daemon (e.g. cpu|cuda|rocm, default: cpu)

  • --set-default - [optional] set created daemon as default for ExApps installation


DeployConfig is a set of additional options in Daemon config, which are used in deployment algorithms to configure ExApp container.

        "net": "host",
        "nextcloud_url": "https://nextcloud.local",
        "haproxy_password": "some_secure_password",
        "computeDevice": {
                "id": "cuda",
                "name": "CUDA (NVIDIA)",
DeployConfig options
  • net [required] - network name to bind docker container to (default: host)

  • nextcloud_url [required] - Nextcloud URL (e.g. https://nextcloud.local)

  • haproxy_password [optional] - password for AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy

  • computeDevice [optional] - Compute device to attach to the daemon (e.g. { "id": "cuda", "label": "CUDA (NVIDIA)" })


Unregister Deploy Daemon (DaemonConfig).

Command: app_api:daemon:unregister <daemon-config-name>

List registered daemons

List registered Deploy Daemons (DaemonConfigs).

Command: app_api:daemon:list

Nextcloud AIO

In case of AppAPI installed in AIO, default Deploy Daemon is registered automatically. It is possible to register additional Deploy Daemons with the same ways as described above.