External Application


class nc_py_api.ex_app.LogLvl(value)[source]

Log levels.


Debug log level

INFO = 1

Informational log level


Warning log level. Default


Error log level


Fatal log level

Special functions

nc_py_api.ex_app.persistent_storage() str[source]

Returns the path to directory, which is permanent storage and is not deleted when the application is updated.

nc_py_api.ex_app.verify_version(finalize_update: bool = True) tuple[str, str] | None[source]

Returns tuple with an old version and new version or None if there was no update taken.


finalize_update – Flag indicating whether update information should be updated. If True, all subsequent calls to this function will return that there is no update.

User Interface(UI)

UI methods should be accessed with the help of NextcloudApp

# this is an example, in most cases you will get `NextcloudApp` class instance as input param.
nc = NextcloudApp()
class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.ui.UiApi(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

Class that encapsulates all UI functionality.

files_dropdown_menu: _UiFilesActionsAPI

File dropdown menu API.

top_menu: _UiTopMenuAPI

Top App menu API.

resources: _UiResources

Page(Template) resources API.

settings: _DeclarativeSettingsAPI

API for ExApp settings UI

Nextcloud API for working with drop-down file’s menu.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.files_actions.UiFileActionEntry(raw_data: dict)[source]

Files app, right click file action entry description.

property appid: str

App ID for which this entry is.

property name: str

File action name, acts like ID.

property display_name: str

Display name of the entry.

property mime: str

For which file types this entry applies.

property permissions: int

For which file permissions this entry applies.

property order: int

Order of the entry in the file action list.

property icon: str

Relative to the ExApp url with icon or empty value to use the default one icon.

property action_handler: str

Relative ExApp url which will be called if user click on the entry.

property version: str

AppAPI 2.6.0 supports new version of UiActions(https://github.com/cloud-py-api/app_api/pull/284).

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.files_actions._UiFilesActionsAPI(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

API for the drop-down menu in Nextcloud Files app, avalaible as nc.ui.files_dropdown_menu.<method>.

register(name: str, display_name: str, callback_url: str, **kwargs) None[source]

Registers the files dropdown menu element.

register_ex(name: str, display_name: str, callback_url: str, **kwargs) None[source]

Registers the files dropdown menu element(extended version that receives ActionFileInfoEx).

unregister(name: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes files dropdown menu element.

get_entry(name: str) UiFileActionEntry | None[source]

Get information of the file action meny entry.

Nextcloud API for working with Top App menu.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.top_menu.UiTopMenuEntry(raw_data: dict)[source]

App top menu entry description.

property appid: str

App ID for which this entry is.

property name: str

Top Menu entry name, acts like ID.

property display_name: str

Display name of the entry.

property icon: str

Relative to the ExApp url with icon or empty value to use the default one icon.

property admin_required: bool

Flag that determines whether the entry menu is displayed only for administrators.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.top_menu._UiTopMenuAPI(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

API for the top menu app nav bar in Nextcloud, avalaible as nc.ui.top_menu.<method>.

register(name: str, display_name: str, icon: str = '', admin_required=False) None[source]

Registers or edit the App entry in Top Meny.

  • name – Unique name for the menu entry.

  • display_name – Display name of the menu entry.

  • icon – Optional, url relative to the ExApp, like: “img/icon.svg”

  • admin_required – Boolean value indicating should be Entry visible to all or only to admins.

unregister(name: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes App entry in Top Menu.

get_entry(name: str) UiTopMenuEntry | None[source]

Get information of the top meny entry for current app.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.resources._UiResources(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

API for adding scripts, styles, initial-states to the pages, avalaible as nc.ui.resources.<method>.

set_initial_state(ui_type: str, name: str, key: str, value: dict | list) None[source]

Add or update initial state for the page(template).

delete_initial_state(ui_type: str, name: str, key: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes initial state for the page(template) by object name.

get_initial_state(ui_type: str, name: str, key: str) UiInitState | None[source]

Get information about initial state for the page(template) by object name.

set_script(ui_type: str, name: str, path: str, after_app_id: str = '') None[source]

Add or update script for the page(template).

delete_script(ui_type: str, name: str, path: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes script for the page(template) by object name.

get_script(ui_type: str, name: str, path: str) UiScript | None[source]

Get information about script for the page(template) by object name.

set_style(ui_type: str, name: str, path: str) None[source]

Add or update style(css) for the page(template).

delete_style(ui_type: str, name: str, path: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes style(css) for the page(template) by object name.

get_style(ui_type: str, name: str, path: str) UiStyle | None[source]

Get information about style(css) for the page(template) by object name.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.resources.UiInitState(raw_data: dict)[source]

One Initial State description.

property key: str

Name of the object.

property value: dict | list

Object for the page(template).

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.resources.UiScript(raw_data: dict)[source]

One Script description.

property path: str

Url to script relative to the ExApp.

property after_app_id: str

Optional AppID after which script should be injected.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.resources.UiStyle(raw_data: dict)[source]

One Style description.

property path: str

Url to style relative to the ExApp.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.settings.SettingsField(id: str, title: str, type: ~nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.settings.SettingsFieldType, default: bool | int | float | str | list[bool | int | float | str] | dict[str, ~typing.Any], options: dict | list = <factory>, description: str = '', placeholder: str = '', label: str = '')[source]

Section field.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) SettingsField[source]

Creates instance of class from dict, ignoring unknown keys.

to_dict() dict[source]

Returns data in format that is accepted by AppAPI.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.settings.SettingsForm(id: str, section_id: str, title: str, fields: list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.settings.SettingsField] = <factory>, description: str = '', priority: int = 50, doc_url: str = '', section_type: str = 'personal')[source]

Settings Form and Section.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) SettingsForm[source]

Creates instance of class from dict, ignoring unknown keys.

to_dict() dict[source]

Returns data in format that is accepted by AppAPI.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.settings.SettingsFieldType(value)[source]

Declarative Settings Field Type.

TEXT = 'text'

NcInputField type text

PASSWORD = 'password'

NcInputField type password

EMAIL = 'email'

NcInputField type email

TEL = 'tel'

NcInputField type tel

URL = 'url'

NcInputField type url

NUMBER = 'number'

NcInputField type number

CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'

NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type checkbox

MULTI_CHECKBOX = 'multi-checkbox'

Multiple NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type checkbox representing a one config value (saved as JSON object)

RADIO = 'radio'

NcCheckboxRadioSwitch type radio

SELECT = 'select'


MULTI_SELECT = 'multi-select'

Multiple NcSelect representing a one config value (saved as JSON array)

class nc_py_api.ex_app.ui.settings._DeclarativeSettingsAPI(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

Class providing API for creating UI for the ExApp settings, avalaible as nc.ui.settings.<method>.

register_form(form_schema: SettingsForm | dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Registers or edit the Settings UI Form.

unregister_form(form_id: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes Settings UI Form.

get_entry(form_id: str) SettingsForm | None[source]

Get information of the Settings UI Form.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.providers.ProvidersApi(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

Class that encapsulates all AI Providers functionality.

task_processing: _TaskProcessingProviderAPI

TaskProcessing Provider API.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeType(value)[source]

Enum for shape types.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeEnumValue(name: str, value: str)[source]

Data object for input output shape enum slot value.

name: str

Name of the enum slot value which will be displayed in the UI

value: str

Value of the enum slot value

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeDescriptor(name: str, description: str, shape_type: ShapeType)[source]

Data object for input output shape entries.

name: str

Name of the shape entry

description: str

Description of the shape entry

shape_type: ShapeType

Type of the shape entry

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.TaskType(id: str, name: str, description: str, input_shape: list[ShapeDescriptor], output_shape: list[ShapeDescriptor])[source]

TaskType description for the provider.

id: str

The unique ID for the task type.

name: str

The localized name of the task type.

description: str

The localized description of the task type.

input_shape: list[ShapeDescriptor]

The input shape of the task.

output_shape: list[ShapeDescriptor]

The output shape of the task.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.TaskProcessingProvider(id: str, name: str, task_type: str, expected_runtime: int = 0, optional_input_shape: list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeDescriptor] = <factory>, optional_output_shape: list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeDescriptor] = <factory>, input_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeEnumValue]] = <factory>, input_shape_defaults: dict[str, str | int | float] = <factory>, optional_input_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeEnumValue]] = <factory>, optional_input_shape_defaults: dict[str, str | int | float] = <factory>, output_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeEnumValue]] = <factory>, optional_output_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[~nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing.ShapeEnumValue]] = <factory>)[source]
id: str

Unique ID for the provider.

name: str

The localized name of this provider

task_type: str

The TaskType provided by this provider.

expected_runtime: int = 0

Expected runtime of the task in seconds.

optional_input_shape: list[ShapeDescriptor]

Optional input shape of the task.

optional_output_shape: list[ShapeDescriptor]

Optional output shape of the task.

input_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[ShapeEnumValue]]

The option dict for each input shape ENUM slot.

input_shape_defaults: dict[str, str | int | float]

The default values for input shape slots.

optional_input_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[ShapeEnumValue]]

The option list for each optional input shape ENUM slot.

optional_input_shape_defaults: dict[str, str | int | float]

The default values for optional input shape slots.

output_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[ShapeEnumValue]]

The option list for each output shape ENUM slot.

optional_output_shape_enum_values: dict[str, list[ShapeEnumValue]]

The option list for each optional output shape ENUM slot.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.providers.task_processing._TaskProcessingProviderAPI(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

API for TaskProcessing providers, available as nc.providers.task_processing.<method>.

register(provider: TaskProcessingProvider, custom_task_type: TaskType | None = None) None[source]

Registers or edit the TaskProcessing provider.

unregister(name: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes TaskProcessing provider.

next_task(provider_ids: list[str], task_types: list[str]) dict[str, Any][source]

Get the next task processing task from Nextcloud.

set_progress(task_id: int, progress: float) dict[str, Any][source]

Report new progress value of the task to Nextcloud. Progress should be in range from 0.0 to 100.0.

upload_result_file(task_id: int, file: bytes | str | Any) int[source]

Uploads file and returns fileID that should be used in the report_result function.


file can be any file-like object.

report_result(task_id: int, output: dict[str, Any] | None = None, error_message: str | None = None) dict[str, Any][source]

Report result of the task processing to Nextcloud.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.events_listener.EventsListener(raw_data: dict)[source]

EventsListener description.

property event_type: str

Main type of event, e.g. node_event.

property event_subtypes: str

Subtypes for which fire event, e.g. NodeCreatedEvent, NodeDeletedEvent.

property action_handler: str

Relative ExApp url which will be called by Nextcloud.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.events_listener.EventsListenerAPI(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

API for registering Events listeners, avalaible as nc.events_handler.<method>.

register(event_type: str, callback_url: str, event_subtypes: list[str] | None = None) None[source]

Registers or edits the events listener.

unregister(event_type: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes the events listener.

get_entry(event_type: str) EventsListener | None[source]

Get information about the event listener.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.occ_commands.OccCommand(raw_data: dict)[source]

OccCommand description.

property name: str

Unique ID for the command.

property description: str

Command description.

property hidden: bool

Flag determining ss command hidden or not.

property arguments: dict

Look at PHP Symfony framework for details.

property options: str

Look at PHP Symfony framework for details.

property usages: str

Look at PHP Symfony framework for details.

property action_handler: str

Relative ExApp url which will be called by Nextcloud.

class nc_py_api.ex_app.occ_commands.OccCommandsAPI(session: NcSessionApp)[source]

API for registering OCC commands, avalaible as nc.occ_command.<method>.

register(name: str, callback_url: str, arguments: list | None = None, options: list | None = None, usages: list | None = None, description: str = '', hidden: bool = False) None[source]

Registers or edit the OCC command.

unregister(name: str, not_fail=True) None[source]

Removes the OCC command.

get_entry(name: str) OccCommand | None[source]

Get information of the OCC command.